Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Artificial Intelligence

I hope you have enjoyed the varying posts of my random thoughts on mobile application development and programming. Based on the number of views, it seems as though some of these topics have been reviewed several times. I'm happy for the feedback, and thanks to everyone that has helped in this blog. My last thing to ponder about programming is dealing with artificial intelligence: how do computers communicate with each other, and do they truly have sentience, as we know it? There have been plenty of people who have simulated what they thought of as thought patterns for human brains. I can also recall watching one of my favorite shows, Star Trek Next Generation, and there is an Android, called Data. Do you think that these things can actually exist? Some people say no, because a machine can't have emotions or experience pain. But isn't physical pain just a response to a stimulus? Nerves that let us know that something has come into direct contact with our body? That's just what a neural network is in a computer system, a set of electronic impulses let the computer know that there is some event happening. Interesting huh?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Programmers Burnout?

Is there anything that you can do when you are completely burnt out when trying to do progamming? I know that some people like to do something totally different, like work out in the gym or cook something delicious. I prefer the latter. I love to eat, and I love trying to cook some dishes that I never have before. One thing to remember is to make sure that you don't forget all about your programming. Sounds odd, doesn't it? When you are trying to figure out a problem, the thing that works for me is to not completely forget about it, but rather try to come up with something in a new way. The point for me is to just get rid of the frustration, and then come back to it in about 4 hours, and not a minute before. What method works for you?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mastermind-Understanding Logic

There is an important thing to remember in programming whenever creating a game, a device enhancement, a database, or whatever. You have to remember logic! I'll use the example of mastermind. Here are the rules to the game

Mastermind Rules
Object of the Game
The computer picks a sequence of 4 pegs, each one being one of any of six colors.
The object of the game is to guess the exact positions of the colors in the computer's sequence in as few guesses as possible. After each guess, the computer gives you a score of exact and partial matches.
Use Logic…Not Regular Expressions

1. The sequence can contain pegs of colors: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black
2. A color can be used any number of times in the sequence.
3. All four pegs of the secret sequence will contain a color - no blanks/empties are allowed.
4. Each guess must consist of 4 peg colors - no blanks.
5. You have 8 guesses to find the secret sequence.

Just say you wanted to write a program for this game, instead of worrying about what the graphics and forms look like, work on the logic of the game first. The gui can always be programmed later.

Go to this page for more hints on how to do your algorithm:
The link is http://www.uthinksmart.com/mastermind.htm